The Last Traveler

By Melissa E. Day

A great YA book for a diverse audience with relatable characters from all backgrounds and walks of life. The plot is intricate and exciting, and the themes are universal.

After her mother’s mysterious disappearance when she was six, Paxton Graves spent her life just wishing she could escape it . . . until the day she finally did.

She always knew she was a freak; abandoned by her mother, raised by her alcoholic father, and then there were the “episodes”—her vivid, almost too real dreams that would come anytime of the day or night, without warning, followed by her waking to the sound of her own gut-wrenching wails.

Then one night at a party, she finds herself immersed into the world from her dreams and face-to-face with a strange boy called Ari who introduces her to the world she thought only existed in her mind. But as it turns out, her dream world, Terra, is not only very real, but in grave danger, living under the constant threat of a group that calls themselves “The Fellowship.” When she encounters a resistance group called “The Watch” that tells her that her mother might be alive within Terra.Pax has so many questions, but now she must decide: will she go back to her friends and the only life she’s ever know, or will she stay and join the resistance so she can find the mother she’d though she lost?





ISBN 978-1-952782-89-3 (Paperback)

ISBN 978-1-952782-90-9 (eBook)

YA Sci-Fi / Contemporary Fantasy

9 x 6, 380 pages

Publication date: March 7, 2023

This book is available in paperback and eBook format:

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