War of the Faith: Into Liminatum

By Bob Vacanti Jr.

Following the disappearance of her esteemed father, Gwyndolyn Carlyle is cast from her lap of luxury in the mountains, declared ward to a land still reeling from the terrors of Holy War. She finds her new home, Greneva, and other neighboring Commonwealths have forbidden a faith she never knew, one which nearly tore the Waldean Plateau apart. For now, order rules the day with life slowly on the mend, yet not all dwelling in this bustling mountain city are content with letting old gods die. Some are looking to sew new seeds of an ancient order proclaiming salvation unto a broken world. They are looking for someone to save them from the looming Ashen curse. They are looking for Gwyndolyn.

Now with zeal again on the march, Gwyndolyn is swept up in prophecy while her friends struggle to uncover the revelations of a waking goddess, one who strikes fear into every heart. A fellow ward, a rebel to the cause, a fire-starter, a mute, and some unlikely allies must contend with the same fervor which precipitated the conflict a generation ago. What each of them discover, what they believe, and what they are fighting for; nothing is quite as it seems.

If they cannot discern fact from fable, reality from illusion, then the dreaded war Waldea fought so dearly to survive will be born anew.




ISBN 979-8-88633-045-8 (Paperback)

ISBN 979-8-88633-046-5 (eBook)

Fantasy / Sci-Fi

6 x 9, 486 pages

Publication date: June 3, 2025

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