Crisanta Knight: To Death & Back

By Geanna Culbertson

And here I thought saving one realm was enough to fill up my to-do list.

Following the revelation that the antagonists were after the location of all of Book’s genies, my friends and I knew our Wonderland road trip was far from over. With the magic fluctuation event known as the Vicennalia Aurora days away, antagonists and magic hunters hot on our tail, and my treacherous brother Alex and I in competition to claim Excalibur, matters were becoming larger-than-life very quickly.

I was one of those matters. My Pure Magic powers of life were growing incomparably strong. As I discovered the extent of my abilities, I was being tempted by the corruption that came with them. But how could I stop? Camelot’s terrain was unlike anything we’d ever encountered. From evil kings to bloodlusting Bluebeards to the Questor Beast, I needed my magic now more than ever. This world and so many others depended on me.

And yet, as my friends and I ran against the clock, our enemies, and the prophecies of the future that pursued us like hungry shadows, I’d come to learn one thing with absolute certainty. One thing that I would keep learning again and again. In a world where my beliefs about goodness and morality were being tested, and my soul was at stake, it was not my abilities of life that were my most valuable strength; it was my friends.

They were my greatest source of magic.


“A fun read that sucks you in and doesn’t let you go even after the final page has been turned.” – Amazon
br>“Once you start, you’ll be whisked away by the intricately woven story like it’s a magic carpet ride. This series is bursting with imagination, riveting plot turns, and a vast cast of characters that will keep you turning pages.” – Barnes & Noble

“I loved this book, it seems that each new installment in the series gets better and better. Can’t wait for the next one. Has to be one of my favourite series!” – Amazon

“I love the series. It keeps your interest, and the characters are always changing and growing.” – BookBub


Book 1 – Protagonist Bound
Book 2 – The Severance Game
Book 3 – Inherent Fate
Book 4 – The Liar, The Witch, & The Wormhole
Book 5 – To Death & Back
Book 6 – The Lost King
Book 7 – Into The Gray
Book 8 – Midnight Law
Book 9 – Eternity’s End




ISBN 978-1-945448-26-3 (Paperback)

Young Adult/Action & Adventure-Fantasy/Coming of Age

6 x 9, 440 pages

Publication date: April 1, 2019

This book is available in paperback and eBook format:

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