BQB Support for Marketing Your Book

Having the Right Support for Marketing Your Book is Key to Success

A hard lesson many self-published authors learn is that once they have written and published a book, they are often stuck with unsold copies. Traditionally published authors can also find themselves in the same situation because of the large print runs that are often done.

BQB offers the solution to this hard-learned fact: Once a book is a reality, BQB assists authors with some professional marketing services and in the beginning, we use digital printing, which means that our initial print runs can be smaller, thus eliminating overstock. 

Once an author becomes a part of the BQB family, he or she has a marketing partner from that point forward. An author is not left to his or her own devices to get his or her book into the hands of the buying public.

Many publishers can get an author’s books onto online sites like Amazon or (even self-publishing companies). BQB has the capability of getting an author’s book into brick and mortar stores as well as those online entities. BQB also is able to make our authors’ books available on a number of major eBook retail sites.

With BQB, authors step into selling their books even before they are published. We help each author learn how to market to individuals as well as to booksellers around the country, and we also work with the author to garner publicity such as television appearances, radio interviews, blog programs, and newspaper and magazine articles.

Ongoing support for marketing your book includes the following professional marketing services:

  • BQB markets our authors’ books through our association with our distributor, making each book available and actively promoting each book to wholesalers such as Ingram and Baker & Taylor and booksellers (both online and brick and mortar).
  • All BQB books are also offered and promoted through a variety of eBook distributors and formats such as Kindle, Nook, iTunes, Google Play, Kobo, Overdrive, and Bibliolab.
  • BQB writes and distributes press releases to the author’s hometown and target audience areas where the book would be appropriate, and to media that have a focus similar to the book’s storyline.
  • BQB publicizes events and book signings to showcase the author and book.
  • Each book appears on BQB’s online bookstore.
  • Each author has a bio page on the BQB website, helping to broaden visibility.
  • Authors are provided with an author’s press kit that both BQB and the author use for marketing and media purposes.
  • BQB maintains a social media presence and consistently uses social media for marketing and promotion purposes.
  • BQB takes advantage of wholesale promotions, book shows, and memberships in bookseller associations.
  • BQB provides ongoing marketing support and training for authors through conference calls, webinars, marketing newsletters, and other methods of training that help author understand how, where, and when they can help with the marketing and sales of their books.

In addition to ongoing support for marketing, BQB helps train authors to have successful public appearances.

We believe the biggest task of a successful new author is to build a fan base, and we equip our authors with the tools needed to develop their own publicity goals and plans. Training takes place in a number of ways: through webinars, conference calls, one-on-one consultations, etc.

Once BQB accepts a manuscript, the author joins our family of authors. BQB becomes not only your publisher, but your partner as well. BQB and the author have the same objective: selling the book.

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