The Lost Paradise

By Cassie Corbin

The fifth elemental has been unveiled. Vita’s memory of her reaction lingers just outside of her reach, Adrian’s past holds him prisoner, and guardian Lucas Sawyer is now an enemy to his people.

With the prophecy coming into fruition, Dr. Guyer’s desperation for the philosopher’s stone grows in a most violent way. When Annie’s well-being is threatened for the sake of the stone, Dos turns to the only source he can think of for help: the angels themselves.

This book will be enjoyed by fans of The Giver, fans of celestial books, readers who like genres involving celestial beings, medieval history, and elemental magic. And fans of Paradise Lost by John Milton.




ISBN 979-8-88633-048-9 (Paperback)

ISBN 979-8-88633-049-6 (eBook)

YA Fiction/Action & Adventure/Sci-Fi

6 x 9, 385 pages

Publication date: 9/16/2025

This book is available in paperback and eBook format:

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