OMG UR A Teenager, by Leslie E. Young

New Release — Juvenile Coming of Age

Poised on the brink of becoming a teenager, Kat Cruz rides waves of excitement and worry. Life’s possibilities are on the horizon: her first bra, perhaps a boyfriend, maybe a job as a journalist.

It all seems so close but just out of reach until her family moves to a ramshackle fixer-upper in a nice part of town and Kat meets the neighbor’s son, Will Morris. Despite the sad state of the house and a rash of burglaries in the area, one look into Will’s golden-brown eyes makes Kat think that perhaps the move won’t be so bad.

ISBN 979-8-88633-029-8 (Paperback)

ISBN 979-8-88633-030-4 (eBook)

Juvenile Coming of Age

5 x 8, 170 pages

Publication date: May 14, 2024

This book is available in paperback and eBook format:

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Leslie Young has a BA degree in English from the University of Maryland and an MA degree in Comparative Literature from American University, where she also did graduate work in Journalism.

She has 25 years of experience teaching English in public schools and has worked as a TV news reporter for ABC affiliates and Capitol Hill news bureaus. She is a member of the SCBWI. “OMG UR A Teenager” is her first novel.

Young lives in Alexandria, Virginia.


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