Rescuing a Fallen – Part 1, by Kelly Hollingshead

New Release — Mystery / Thriller / Supernatural

Lucifer has finally accomplished capturing a guardian angel, a task that had eluded him for over two thousand years. He will incorporate the seven deadly sins, one at a time to break Jonathan. He is hoping to gain back what the false God stole from him after sentencing him to an eternity as an outcast.

Legionaries, once Lucifer’s lackey, has learned from his alter ego Legion, about free will and how to twist the thoughts of humans to attain what he desires most. To test this theory Legionaries has chosen the town of Broken Falls; not only because of the town’s small size, but also the secret tucked away at the base of the mountains.

Riley and Maggie are determined to rescue the guardian angel Jonathan from the clutches of the Devil, but face their own challenges along the way. The biggest being an escaped Hell hound. Only time will tell whether the hound is a friend or foe.

Will Riley and Maggie make it to Jonathan, before Lucifer breaks him? How much turmoil will Legionaries release on the small town of Broken Falls? All will be revealed in the third installment of The Riley Series.

ISBN 979-8-88633-034-2 (Paperback)

ISBN 979-8-88633-035-9 (eBook)

Paranormal Action & Adventure

9 x 6, 400 pages

Publication date: August 27, 2024

This book is available in paperback and eBook format:

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Kelly Hollingshead is an avid reader who prefers books over music. He found entertainment in books as a child, due to growing up in a large family where money was always tight. However, the library was always free and entertainment was endless, simply waiting between book covers.

Kelly and his wife Melissa have a daughter whose nickname is Ms. Brynn.

From an early age, Kelly has approached writing as an enjoyable pastime until his wife convinced him to try to publish at least one story.

When not working on The Riley series, Kelly enjoys extreme workouts, cookouts on the grill with his friends and family, and late nights of watching UFC fight pass.


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