Daniel V. Meier Jr. | Author Profile

About the Author

Daniel Meier graduated from UNCW (University of North Carolina, Wilmington) with a major in History. He served in the United States Navy and later studied American Literature at The University of Maryland Graduate School and began writing.

Meanwhile, he taught English and History at a private high school for a couple of years, worked as a flight instructor and a pilot examiner for the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration).
In 1980, Leisure Books published a mystery/ thriller that he wrote under the ‘nom de plume’ Vince Daniels. In addition, he published a short story in a college literary magazine and worked, briefly, for the Washington Business Journal as a journalist. He was also a contributing editor to several aviation magazines and worked as a technical writer/editor for a U.S. government contractor.

For the past two decades he has served the FAA as an Aviation Safety Inspector for flight operations working mostly out of the Washington D.C. headquarters. He is now retired and therefore has had an opportunity to return to his writing.

He and his wife live in Owings Maryland, about 20 miles south of Annapolis, and spend summers sailing their Bayfield 36 on the Chesapeake Bay.


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The Dung Beetles of Liberia

No Birds Sing Here


Blood Before Dawn

Guidance to Death

To Know Good and Evil