The Invictus, by Keith Goad

New Release — Adult Fiction / Supernatural Thriller

A first-rate crime thriller with a supernatural twist, one that taps into everyone’s belief that they’re destined to leave their mark on the world. If only they will believe.

This is book 2 in The Relentless Enemy series that follows Craig Henriksen as he deciphers crimes, alongside Chicago police, in their search for a serial killer using strange abilities whose origins remain a mystery, even to him.

Craig is forced to face the monsters of his present and his past. The Relentless Enemy series brings an age-old battle to today’s streets, hearts, and lives.

This series will appeal to fans of John Pearce and William P. Young.


ISBN 978-1-952782-91-6 (Paperback)

ISBN 978-1-95278292-3 (eBook)

Adult Fiction / Supernatural Thriller

6 x 9, 400 pages

Publication date: January 31, 2023

This book is available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook format:

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An author, professor, strategist, and financial executive, Keith Goad lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana with his wife.

Keith holds an undergraduate degree as well as an MBA from Ohio State University. In addition to serving as a financial executive, Keith has also taught as an adjunct university professor for over 15 years.

The Relentless Enemy series is based on the real-life history and heritage of Keith’s late father, which serves as the inspiration for this epic tale.


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