Shadows at War | Upcoming Release

Upcoming Release – Thriller/Suspense/Espionage

ShadowsAtWarThis book will be released on July 18, 2017. It is now available for pre-order.

In the background of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the war in Iraq, with a dedicated soldier as their pawn, two powerful men play a high-stakes game. One works on the side of good, but is corrupted when he realizes what he could gain by utilizing his position to his own advantage. The other has been working for years, patiently waiting for his chance to possess his prize.

But which of them is the lesser of two evils? The line between them is blurred by shadows that grow darker with each carefully crafted lie.


Born in Houston, Texas, in 1959, Kenneth L. Capps joined the US Marine Corps in 1979 for a thirteen-year career.

cappsIn 2009, Ken won honorable mention in nonfiction in the New Bern Literary Symposium in North Carolina for. The next year, in 2010, he placed second in fiction in the same contest.

His debut novel, Forgiving Waters, was published in 2012. In the same year, it won the Readers Favorite Award, and in 2013 was the Next Generation Indie Book Awards Winner in the First Novel category.

Ken’s writing career started at 50 years of age in what he considers to be the best years of his life.

Shadows at War is available for pre-order in the BQB online store. All versions (print and eBook) are available for pre-order through the following retailers, as well as all other major book and eBook retailers:

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