Wiggles, Stomps, and Squeezes: Calming My Jitters at School

New Release — Children’s Nonfiction Picture Book

This story follows a young girl with heightened sensory experiences through her day at school. It helps children and adults alike understand the world of a neurodiverse child.

Wiggles, Stomps, and Squeezes: Calming My Jitters at School playfully validates the unique sensory experiences of neurodiverse children at school, written from their own perspective.

“I have worked in special education for 12 years and have not come across a book that explains these jittery feelings until now. This book will capture the hearts of families and children with unique needs as well as educate those unfamiliar with sensory differences.” —Bridget Martinez, Special Education Teacher

ISBN 979-8-88633-021-2 (hardcover)

ISBN 979-8-88633-023-6 (paperback)

ISBN 979-8-88633-022-9 (eBook)

Children’s Nonfiction Picture Book

Book 2 in the Wiggles, Stomps, and Squeezes series

8 x 8, 52 full color pages

Publication date: March 19, 2024

This book is available in hardcover, paperback, and eBook format:

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Lindsey Rowe Parker is a mom with a home full of neurodivergent minds. Lindsey is embracing the next phase of parenting while learning to navigate and advocate for her autistic daughter. With a recent adult diagnosis of ADHD, and a new deeper understanding of her own sensory experiences, she has begun to delve into the neurodiversity community, learning all she can from neurodivergent voices. This is the third picture book in her Wiggles, Stomps, and Squeezes series.

Rebecca Burgess is an autistic illustrator living in the UK. She loves history and nature, but comics and illustration most of all!

Her passion has led her to work for The Guardian and Jessica Kingsley Publishing. She is most famous for the online comic ‘Understanding The Spectrum’, a comic explaining autism that has been shared in several books and used by parents, teachers and doctors.


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